Making Felties

Some of the coloring pages can be made into what I call "felties".  Basically just the things that stick to felt boards.  In case you don't know how to do that, here's how!

1. First, print out the picture and color (Or have your kids color)
2. Cut out the individual pictures
3. Laminate or cover both sides with clear contact paper
4. Using a glue stick, cover the backs with glue
5. Rub on dryer lint
6. Let glue dry and voila, it sticks to felt

You can also put magnets on the back after you've laminated them and well, make magnets.  I like to use the free ones businesses give out.  Sad but true ;) Enjoy!


  1. this is the coolest idea and I can't believe I've never heard of making them this way!! I bought the kids a flannel board like a year ago and we hardly use it because buying felt story/play pieces for it costs a small fortune. Thanks!


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